A promising sector in terms of innovation

Energy efficiency consists in making the best possible use of the energy available to obtain better energy performance. It is improved when less energy is used to produce a given good or service:

  • waste reduction
  • optimum use of existing infrastructure
  • recourse to new technologies (1).

Logistics background

The transportation sector includes all types of transport: rail, marine, road and air. This sector is responsible on its own for 45% and 24% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Québec and Canada respectively. This makes it the cornerstone in order to act concretely on reducing GHG emissions and the fight against climate changes.

Among the main trends in energy efficiency of transportation are found most energy efficient vehicles using, for example, an electric or hybrid motor and/or lighter materials.

In addition to transport, energy efficiency is applicable to several areas affecting directly or indirectly the lives of individuals and corporations, including industrial processes, information and communication technologies (electronics and photonics), bioenergy, building and new energy technologies. Some funded enterprises in the C3E’s first financing phase have developed innovations in these sectors.

 Useful Links

Energy efficiency of transportation (Natural Resources Canada)

Ministère de l’Énergie et Ressources naturelles (MERN Québec)

Quebec Energy Policy 

Transportation Electrification Action Plan (Quebec)

International Energy Agency

Electric Vehicles (Ministry of Transportation, Ontario)



(1) http://www.politiqueenergetique.gouv.qc.ca/themes-2/energy-efficiency-and-innovation/